Get Warframe Exilus Adapter Worth It PNG. The exilus warframe adapter is a special item that can be fused with a warframe to unlock an exilus mod slot, which is a special additional slot that can be used solely for exilus mods, aka utility mods. But in the end it will be worth getting the upgrade, even though it might just be a small one. As with warframe exilus adapters you can also buy the weapon version already fully built for 20 platinum (check out our platinum farming guide if you are low on currency). Don't forget to leave a rating comment and subscribe if you enjoyed as it helps the channel out immensely! If you do, a dialogue box will open asking if you want to fuse the adapter with the current warframe. Guess i'm making more of these huh, wasnt planned but never hear about them anymore. Here is one everyone uses but never really gets mentioned that much, the exilus adapter is another feature that is insainly usefull but just not mentioned much anymore. Go into the upgrade screen for the weapon, and on the right hand side you will notice the new. Welcome to buy / sell warframe items at Yeah, they're expensive, but what else are you going to spend simaris standing on when you've reached that point in the game?
I have 4 of those adapters in place already and i also formad those frames again to be able to use that slot to full extend (slow frames like frost and rhino, without arcane vanguard.
How to acquire and use them! Today we take a look at the exilus mods and adapters in warframe. All rights are reserved worldwide. This site has no official link with digital extremes ltd or warframe.